Local Rules & Standing Orders

Courtroom Conduct

Be Respectful

We ask that you be quiet in the courtroom when observing or waiting for your case to be heard by the Presiding Judge. Always be polite, never use profanity, and speak clearly and loud enough for the electronic recorder to hear. Everything you say is being recorded in a Court of Record. Please keep in mind that no food or beverages are allowed in the courtroom.

Thank you for your respect and professionalism during the trial process; it is truly appreciated.

Court Rules

Everyone entering the courtroom must be dressed appropriately. All persons entering the Court shall conduct him/herself in a respectful manner. As of March 1, 2016, the Joshua Municipal Court became a "court of record" and all trials will be recorded; please make arrangements for small children to be left at your place of residence.

Court Security

For security purposes, please leave all the following at home or in your vehicle:

  • electronic devices
  • cell phones
  • pets
  • laptops
  • cameras
  • weapons

Dress Code

Soiled or torn clothing, excessively baggy pants and clothing that shows undergarments are inappropriate. Midriff, low-cut blouses, halter tops, printed clothing with vulgar illustrations, flip-flops and hats are not appropriate and will not be permitted in the courtroom.

Courtroom Seating

All hearings are open to the public. Due to our Court seating concerns, the litigants that are scheduled for a court hearing will be seated first and court observers will be seated according to seating capacity and availability.